This week in Mr. Y's class, the topic was about friends. The initial question posed was "what does it mean to be a good and bad friend?" Some responses given were "they stick up for you," "that person is someone you can trust," and "they care about what you have in the inside." As for a bad friend, some responses given were "uses you and does not stick up for you," it is someone that you do not trust," "dislikes what you have," and "spreads your secrets." Another question we talked about was "is it true that the friends we have now will be our friends forever?" Answers like "yes because if you were friends with them for a long time, then you will still be friends later," and "yes because you will remember them for the rest of your life" were given. This discussion was something near to my heart because as someone who is going to be transitioning into college in less than a year, I need to remember and cherish the friends I have now or make new friends later.
The next day I went to Mr. M's class. Can I assume we are all afraid of growing up? This is the question that was voted on Mr. M's fourth grade class. Some may wonder how can fourth graders answer this question because they are still growing up, but let me tell you this discussion went great. Mikayla said life is full of challenges and growing up is hard to do. Jeff said they are afraid of the outcome. Trevor said I think were afraid because we never know what we are up against. As students kept sharing, it made me wonder what does it mean to grow up? This was something I wondered because everyone has different definitions of "growing up." Logan said to grow up you take on responsibilities, Mikayla said when you turn another age, have children and get a job is when you grow up. Others shared experiences of them growing up or what they would like to do when they grow up. This class is improving on their sharing and listening, which is big plus for us!
In Mrs. L's third grade class, we did this is it real, not real or are we unsure activity. I gave them topics to help me organize them into a real, not real, or unsure category. But of course they would have to give a (R)eason. Things that we have discussed for now were ghost, love, and dreams. Heather said they were real because she played the charlie charlie game (example). Jay said he was unsure because although there are books about it, he has never really experienced it. When we discussed about love some people said it was real and some were unsure. Penny said it is real because you can feel love in your heart when you love someone. Brenna said it is real because it if it was not then we would not love our parents. Brock said he was unsure because when you love someone you will know but there is a chance you might accidentally love them. Dreams was the last topic we talked about. Keoki said he was unsure because they may or may not come true. Beverly said they were real because her moms dreams came true. After hearing more about what other said, Mrs. L asked the class, "what do we mean by dreams?" Because dreams could be the ones we have at night or dreams could be the one we want to accomplish. As a class we concluded that ghost, love and dreams were real.